this a war. and i need many to stad a chance. if your sick and tired or pervets posting in a art group. join. couse like ghostbusters. we bust and get rid of pervets. who post in art art groups. it would be nice if facebbook it self helped more. since the fact that anyone can post anything in the commemts. does not help. they protect anything but commemt section this what perverts do in art groups. they post PORN AND SEXUAL IMAGES. god danm EVERYWHERE. do you want see that in a art group? or do you want to see art istead? so thats why i made this. couse just irnoring it. wont make it go away. why cant they find a pervy group istead. not a art group, why post to a art group ? when kids can see it to. this has to stop. no more. and i mean no more!!
Oh boy
yep, this only applis to facebook. newsgounds at least it has more control over there content.