This a random song that i made, when i was bored. its called
Jingle bells jingle bells. cats rule the world. its another random song.
its so random, oh so random and so damn full of cats. this song makes no sense. lalalalalalalala
its full of nonsenses and stuff and doesn't not go together any way at alllllllll. from bunny Godzilla to space dogs. and cats on a skateboard. lalalalalalalal
jingle bells jingle bells, maths really smells. English is not far away. godzilla run a away. as he saw a justin bieber singing the worlds crappiest song
fa la la la la la
la la la la la la
this song makes no sense, but i singing anyway, becouse its a random cristmas song.
jingle bells jingle bells, maths really smells. Justin beberis run away. as a Godzilla was singing away.
la la la la la la la
this sound makes no sense. but i don't care anyway.
dashing thought the snow, monkeys that can sing, and dance. all night long .
fa la la la la la
this song is nuts it makes no sense. yet i sing it anyway. its total nonsenses. i know that. but who cares anyway. its a another random song. oh its just another crappy song.
this song makes so sense, its random as hell. happy holiday to all the cats and people. dogs and dragons.
meow meow meow meow, cats rule the world meow